Registration > Fees


  • Conference registration - Lecturer-researcher or practitioner: €360
  • Conference registration - Doctoral student or other: €180

Conference registration includes welcome and attendance at all conference sessions, lunches, gala lunch and coffee breaks.

Conference registration and payment of the registration fee are essential for papers to be included in the conference programme.

In the case of papers with several authors, the registration of at least one of the authors is required. Only authors who have actually registered for the conference and paid the registration fee will be able to take part in the conference. In the case of remote participation, only speakers registered for the conference will be authorised to present their papers.


Once you have completed the online registration form on the website, there are four possible methods of payment:

  • By cheque :
    • Make cheque payable to : Association AIRMAP
    • Send the cheque to the following address: AIRMAP c/o IAE Nice, 5 rue du 22ème BCA, 06300 Nice
  • By purchase order :

To obtain an order form, please contact the financial management department of your university, institution or research laboratory, which will process the request. Please indicate on the order form "registration fee for AIRMAP 2024 conference, AMIENS".

Once the order form has been signed, it should be sent by e-mail, preferably to the following address:

failing that, please send it by post to the following address: AIRMAP c/o IAE Nice, 5 rue du 22ème BCA, 06300 Nice

  • By bank transfer:

Make a transfer to the following account
IBAN: FR 3000 4006 4200 0104 3796 657 - BIC: BNPAFRPPNIC
Send proof of transfer to:

  • By Paypal : Pay via Paypal

Please refer to the Registration Paypal

For those who are unable to pay using one of the 4 methods of payment mentioned above, payment on site in cash or by cheque is possible in exceptional circumstances on the opening day of the conference.

In this case, please send your payment request and undertaking, preferably by e-mail, to

or by post to the following address: AIRMAP c/o IAE Nice, 5 rue du 22ème BCA, 06300 Nice

In all cases, once you have clicked on the button corresponding to your choice of payment, your registration will be sent to the organizers. To validate it definitively, you will need to proceed with payment (Paypal or bank transfer).

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